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Rotating and Flipping Graphics

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Rotating and Flipping Graphics

After you insert a graphic or create an object, you can change its orientation on the page by rotating or flipping it. Rotating a graphic keeps the original front to back positioning and rotates the graphic clockwise or counter-clockwise to achieve the desired affect, while flipping a graphic creates a mirror graphic of a graphic, oriented either horizontally or vertically. Rotating turns an object 90 degrees to the right or left; flipping turns an object 180 degrees horizontally or vertically.

Rotate and Flip Graphics


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page you want to use.


Select the Picture, Clip Art, Autoshape, or WordArt you want to flip or rotate.


If necessary, right-click any toolbar, and then click Picture to display the Picture toolbar.


To rotate the graphic, click either the Rotate Right 90 button or the Rotate Left 90 button on the Pictures toolbar.


To flip the graphic, click either the Flip Horizontal button or the Flip Vertical button on the Pictures toolbar.


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