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Ходасевич (hodasevich.lit-info.ru)

Modifying Cell Formatting

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Modifying Cell Formatting

FrontPage give you several options to modify cell formatting to create the page layout you want. You can change the width, height, padding, alignment, and background color for a layout cell. Padding specifies the space between the cell border and the cell contents. You can also change the cell border thickness and color as well as the margins. These options are available on the Cell Formatting task pane.

Modify Cell Formatting


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page with the layout table you want to use.


Click the Table menu' and then click Cell Formatting.


Select the cell you want to format.


Select the layout cell properties on the task pane you want.

  • Width. The cell width (in pixels).

  • Height. The cell height (in pixels).

  • Padding. The space (in pixels) between the cell border and the cell contents.

  • VAlign. Cell content alignment in a browser.

  • BgColor. The background color.


Specify the border thickness in pixels, color, and where to apply the border sides.


Specify the left, top, right, and bottom margins you want.


When you're done, click the Close button on the task pane.


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