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Adding Cells, Rows, or Columns to Tables

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Adding Cells, Rows, or Columns to Tables

As you begin to work on a table, you might need to modify its structure by adding more rows, columns, or cells to accommodate new text, graphics, or other tables. The table realigns as needed to accommodate the new structure. When you insert rows, columns, or cells, the existing rows shift down, the existing columns shift right, and you choose what direction the existing cells shift. Similarly, when you delete unneeded rows, columns, or cells from a table, the table realigns itself.

Add a Cell, Row, or Column to a Table


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page you want to use.


Click to position the insertion point to the right of the cell where you want to add another cell.


To add a single cell, click the Table menu' point to Insert' and then click Cell. A new cell is added at the right end of the row containing the insertion point.


To add a row or column, click the Table menu' point to Insert' and then click Rows Or Columns.

TIMESAVER Click the Insert Rows button or the Insert Columns button on the Tables toolbar to perform the commands.


Enter the number of columns or rows you want to add to the table, and the related options.

graphics/6_icon.jpg Click OK.

The new columns or rows are added to the table underneath or to the right of the insertion point.


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