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Adding 3-D Effects

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Adding 3-D Effects

You can add the illusion of depth to your Web pages by using the 3-D tool. Although not all objects can be turned into 3-D objects, most of the AutoShapes can. You can create a 3-D effect using one of the 20 preset 3-D styles supported by FrontPage, or you can use the 3-D tools to customize your own 3-D style. The settings you can control with the customization tools include the spin of the object, or the angle at which the 3-D object is tilted and rotated, the depth of the object, and the direction of light falling upon the object.

Apply a Preset 3-D Style


Click the drawing object you want to change.


Click the 3-D Style button on the Drawing toolbar.


Click a 3-D style.


Did You Know?

You can add a different surface to your 3-D object. Apply interesting surfaces, such as wire frame, matte, plastic, or metal, to your 3-D object by clicking the Surface button on the 3-D Settings toolbar.

Tilt a 3-D Object


Click the 3-D object you want to change.


Click the 3-D Style button on the Drawing toolbar, and then click 3-D Settings.


Click the tilt setting you want.


Click the Close button on the 3-D Settings toolbar.


Set Lighting


Click the 3-D object, click the 3-D Style button on the Drawing toolbar, and then click 3-D Settings.


Click the Lighting button on the 3-D Settings toolbar.


Click the spotlight that creates the effect you want.


Click the Close button on the 3-D Settings toolbar.


Set 3-D Depth


Click the 3-D object, click the 3-D Style button on the Drawing toolbar, and then click 3-D Settings.


Click the Depth button on the 3-D Settings toolbar.


Click the size of the depth in points, or enter the exact number of points you want in the Custom box.


Click the Close button on the 3-D Settings toolbar.


Did You Know?

You can change the direction of a 3-D object. Click the Direction button on the 3-D Settings toolbar. You can also use this button to add perspective to your objects or align them along a parallel.

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