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Adding Special Effects to Text

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Adding Special Effects to Text

FrontPage comes with simple special effects you can quickly add to text on your web pages. Some of the effects add style to your text, such as Blink or Overline, while others define the type of text, such as Definition or Citation, on your web pages.

Add Font Effects to Text


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page you want to use.


Select the text you want to format.


Click the Format menu' and then click Font.


Select or clear the font special effects check boxes. The unique effects to FrontPage include:

  • Overline. Draws a line above the text.

  • Blink. Applies blinking animation to the text.

  • Capitalize. Capitalizes the first letter in each word.

  • Strong. Applies a stronger emphasis to the text.

  • Emphasis. Applies a subtle emphasis to the text.

  • Sample. Applies a fixed width font to the text.

  • Definition. Specifies the text as a definition.

  • Citation. Specifies the text as a reference to other sources.

  • Variable. Specifies the text as a variable or program argument.

  • Keyboard. Specifies the text that is entered by a user.

  • Code. Specifies the text as a programming code.


Click OK.


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