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Setting Text Alignment and Spacing

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Setting Text Alignment and Spacing

Text alignments vary the look of a Web page and help lead the user through the text. You can align text along the left or right margin, in the center, or equally across the page. You can quickly change text alignment using alignment buttons on the Formatting toolbar. Line spacing is another way to vary the look of a Web page. The lines in a Web page are single-spaced by default, but you can easily change line spacing to double or 1.5 lines to allow extra space between every line. Sometimes, you'll want to add space above and below certain paragraphs, such as for headlines or indented quotations to help set off the text.

Change Text Alignment


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page you want to use.


Select the text you want to align.


Click an alignment button on the Formatting toolbar to apply the attribute that you want the selected text.

  • Align Left button. Aligns text along the left margin. The text is uneven along the right margin.

  • Center button. Aligns text in the middle of the page.

  • Align Right button. Aligns text along the right margin. The text is uneven along the left margin.

  • Justify button. Aligns text evenly between the two margins.


Did You Know?

You can change character spacing. Select the text you want to change, click the Format menu, click Font, click the Character Spacing tab, click the Spacing list arrow, click Normal, Expanded, or Condensed, click the Position list arrow, click a vertical position option, and then click OK.

Change Line Spacing


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page you want to use.


Select the paragraph you want to change.


Click the Format menu' and then click Paragraph.


Click the Line Spacing list arrow, and then click the spacing you want.


Type the space you want to add above each selected paragraph (in points).


Type the space you want to add below each selected paragraph (in points).


Click OK.


Change Paragraph Indents


Click the View menu, click Page, and then open the Web page you want to use.


Select the paragraph you want to change.


Click the Format menu' and then click Paragraph.


Type the space you want before the selected paragraph (in points).


Type the space you want after the selected paragraph (in points).


Type the space you want before the first line of the selected paragraph (in points).


Click OK.


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