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General Event Model

General Event Model

When the user interacts with the page or when the document's state is about to change, an event is fired. The user generates events by moving the mouse, clicking a mouse button, or typing on the keyboard within a document. Document state changes that can fire events include the loading of the document, images, or objects; the occurrence of an error on the page; and the changing of focus from one element to another.

Event Bubbling

HTML documents are structured documents with a defined containership hierarchy. Event bubbling is the generic capability for all actions to follow this structural hierarchy. When an event occurs, it fires first on the source element and then on the source's parent element, and it continues to fire on successive parent elements until it reaches the document element.

Event bubbling did not exist in earlier versions of the HTML object model because it was not necessary. In the past, browser implementers considered only a few elements interesting enough to fire events. With the introduction of Dynamic HTML, however, all elements now fire events. This means that now all elements on the page—every P, H1, and so on—can and do fire events. The extension of events to all elements could have made scripting a lot more complex. But with event bubbling, the reverse happens—scripts can be more powerful and better written.

In the following code, the body, the anchor, and the image all have events associated with them:

      <TITLE>Go Home!</TITLE>
      <A HREF="home.htm"><IMG SRC="home.gif">Go Home</A>

Without event bubbling, trying to write an event handler for all click events that occur on the anchor would be complex. The same event handler would need to be written twice, once for the image and once for the anchor. This redundancy would be necessary because if the user clicks on the image, the image receives the event, and if the user clicks on the following text, the anchor receives the event. Event bubbling solves this problem. With event bubbling, clicking on the image first fires the click event on the image. The event then automatically fires on the anchor. After the event fires on the anchor, it fires on the body and finally on the document. Event bubbling allows an event to be handled at any level of the containership hierarchy. In the preceding code, a single event handler for clicks on the anchor will also handle clicks on the image.

Default Actions

In addition to event bubbling, many events have default actions. A default action is what the browser normally does as a result of the event. For example, the default action of clicking on a link <A HREF="..."> is to follow the specified HREF and load the page.

With the Dynamic HTML object model, it is possible to override an existing default action with custom behavior. If an event does not have a default action and custom behavior is being written, it still is a good idea to cancel the potential default action. This ensures that the code will continue to execute correctly if a default action is later supported by a browser.

The default action is not always defined by the source of the event—it may be defined by a parent element. In the preceding example, when the user clicks on the image the default action of following the link is defined by the Anchor element that contains the image. However, if the image cancels an event's default action, the default action of the anchor will no longer apply, because the default action can be canceled by any element during the event chain. Once an event handler specifies that it is canceling the default action, the default action for the entire event chain is canceled.

Event bubbling and default actions are different concepts and can be controlled independently. For example, if the image stopped the event from bubbling up to the anchor but did not cancel the default action, the anchor's default action would still apply to the event, and the link would still be followed. The reverse also holds true: if neither the anchor nor the image cancel the default action, but instead when the event reaches the Body element the default action is canceled, the link will not be followed. The properties for canceling the default action or stopping the event from bubbling are introduced in the section "The event Object" later in this chapter.
