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The Browser Window

Chapter 4

The Browser Window

In this chapter, you'll learn how to program the browser window, the top-level object in the Dynamic HTML object model. Through the window object, information about the browser and the contained document can be accessed. Two types of HTML documents can be displayed inside a window: a frameset document and a standard HTML document. Frameset documents partition a single window into multiple, independently accessible frames. Chapter 5, "Window and Frame Management," and Chapter 6, "The HTML Document," discuss the two types of documents in detail.

The window object exposes document information (including information about the frames on the page and the URL for the current document) and provides access to information about the browser itself (including the client brand, version, and features supported, through a navigator object), access to event information, and most important, access to the document object that exposes the HTML document itself. The window object also lets you move forward and backward through the history, customize the browser's appearance, and move and relocate the window.

This chapter and Chapter 5 teach you how to manipulate the browser and the contained document using the window object. This chapter focuses on the members for manipulating the current window; Chapter 5 continues the discussion by showing you how to manipulate framesets and multiple browser instances.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:
